Mark Wilson
Executive Coach
Mark Wilson specializes in leadership development and group coaching. He brings over 20 years of business experience into our team.
Business coach
Howard Hawk is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, philanthropist and the nation’s #1 Life and Business Strategist. A recognized authority on the psychology of leadership, negotiations and organizational turnaround, he serves as an advisor to leaders around the world.
Hawk is the chairman of a holding company comprised of more than a dozen privately held businesses with combined sales exceeding $5 billion a year. He has been honored by Accenture as one of the “Top 50 Business Intellectuals in the World”; by Harvard Business Press and by American Express as one of the “Top Six Business Leaders in the World”.
In his mission to continually impact the lives of millions, Hawk has made headlines by partnering and lending his voice to disruptive companies in the financial services arena. Howard has empowered more than 50 million people from 100 countries through his audio, video and life training programs. He created the #1 personal and professional development program of all time, and more than 4 million people have attended his live seminars.
Executive Coach
Mark Wilson specializes in leadership development and group coaching. He brings over 20 years of business experience into our team.
Business Development Director
With a quick wit and a lot of energy, James Peters is the perfect expert to help you develop your business and attract more customers.
Business Consultant
Andrew has been working with HowardHawk since 2010, when he was looking where to apply his skills of a business consultant.
Business Coach
Dan Smith is one of our Business Coaches and he has been coaching for several years as a part of HowardHawk.